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Susan Kane’s award-winning sweet and sharp Americana is an alchemy of stuff dug from the dirt, born from books, gleaned from the air, yesterday's news and tomorrow's daydreams. Her fourth CD, Mostly Fine received confirmed airplay on more than 150 stations around the world, with notable positions on several charts. Blog Coverlaydown.com described Mostly Fine: "...a set of potent originals that reveal a rich and eminently human inner world through the superimposition of the mundane and the magic." A New Yorker, she is an active performer in the tristate area and is a past president of the Tribes Hill music collective. 



March 2024
I was amazed to find that “Meryem Ana”(from A Word Child) won first prize in the Christian/Inspirational category of the Great American Song Contest!
The song was inspired by a visit to a site believed to be the final home of Jesus’s mother Mary. Located in Turkey, near the magnificent ruins of Ephesus, it is a holy place and a pilgrimage site for both Christians and Muslims. This kind of accord between two faiths is wondrous to me. The “house” is a small, unprepossessing stone structure; there is a modest altar inside. A large olive tree trunk grows from the front. On the grounds is a stone prayer wall (similar to the Western Wall) festooned with thousands of handwritten prayers and wishes on tissues and scraps of paper. I am not a religious person, far from it, but the place had a decided spiritual aura, and I was moved to write a song about it.

You can find the lyrics on the music page or on Bandcamp, https://susankane.bandcamp.com

Although it was a songwriting contest, I do need to acknowledge the contributions of producer extraordinaire Billy Masters, percussion by Ben Wittman, bass guitar by Zev Katz, and harmony vox by Catherine Miles.  



March 18, 6:30 PM EDT   I am participating in Andy Phillips' long running Zoom open mic. You need to access the stream from Facebook, join the Music Makers Open Mic group to watch. https://www.facebook.com/groups/325563121868342



 “Jacksonville” will be on the playlist of Jon Stein’s Hootenanny Cafe January 21 at 9PM (EST) on  https://wtbq.com
The show can also be heard on local radio 93.5FM WTBQ (Orange County, NY area) and 98.3FM WGHT (North Jersey, NYC)
This show will air again January 25 and 26 at 10PM (EST) on bellbuckleradio.com 
and can also be accessed at  https://hootenannycafe.com/
The featured performer (Elizabeth Lee) chooses a theme for the show; this one is perseverance in relationships. And J’ville fits that bill, I think. Thanks to Jon for selecting it!